Exeter retirement village residents knit 66 trauma teddies for local emergency services
Residents at Millbrook retirement village, in Exeter, have handed over 66 knitted teddies to Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service as part of the trauma teddy initiative.
Trauma teddies are provided to children involved in incidents to help provide comfort during upsetting situations.
Firefighter Sean Avery, from Blue Watch Crownhill, asked the community to help provide trauma teddies to children involved in incidents the service attends and was amazed by the response. The call to arms was heard across the country and Crownhill has been flooded with cuddly bears ready to give to children.
Residents at Millbrook learnt about the initiative and the village’s ‘Knit and Natter’ group, which meets every Monday, set to work knitting 66 teddies.
15 residents met with Firefighter Sean Avery to hand over the teddies and learn more about the trauma teddy initiative.
Sean Avery, commented: “The trauma teddy initiative has been a great success so far, with teddies available to all our fire stations. Crownhill alone has handed over more than 10 to children who have had fires at their homes and other emergency services are also interested in the scheme.
“We are so grateful for the support we’ve received and it’s been incredible to see people of all ages and walks of life come together to knit for this great cause.
“It was lovely to meet with the Millbrook Knit and Natter group, and I’d like to thank the ladies once again for their support.”
Millbrook resident, Faith Walters, added: “We have a ‘Knit and Natter’ group every Monday and one of our housekeepers first told us about the appeal. It inspired us to get started and it’s nice to know the teddies are going to children who need them”
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