Inspired living - a solution to loneliness and isolation
If you’ve recently retired, been bereaved or found yourself living alone, you might be feeling isolated and lonely. If that sounds familiar, you’re one of a growing number of older people facing this issue in the UK.
The Silver Line survey (the only free 24/7 helpline for older people) reveals that 2.5 million older people (15% of the older population) often feel lonely. And because of the stigma attached to loneliness, they believe that could be the tip of the iceberg.
Retirement village life could be the answer. Read on to find out how Inspired could help you beat feelings of loneliness to build your social circles and lead an active, healthy lifestyle. It’s a different approach to living that focuses on your holistic wellbeing.
Life-long learning
Carrying on learning can keep the brain cells firing on all cylinders and provide an opportunity to meet like-minded people. Inspired retirement villages offer a varied activity and learning programme designed to stimulate and invigorate retirement life, whether your 65 or 95! You can choose from learning how to use a tablet or computer to discovering a new craft like pottery or wicker weaving.
Caring community
Living in caring community can improve your sense of wellbeing. Inspired offers secure, safe and caring neighbourhoods with 24-hour call and someone always around to talk to.
In an Inspired village, you know those around you are in a similar situation and there may be hobbies and interests you share. The brasserie, café, library, wellness centre and other facilities provide ample opportunity to mingle with other like-minded people.
Active living
Spreading your social wings is easier if you have the opportunity and confidence. Inspired’s dedicated Activity Coordinators develop a stimulating programme of activities, days out and events for everyone to join in as they choose.
The Activity Coordinator can introduce you to people and help you make new friends doing something you enjoy such as gardening, cooking, dancing, art classes or anything else that takes your fancy.
Regular exercise such as walking, swimming and classes in the Inspired Serenity spas and wellness centres are not only sociable but can boost endorphins to help you feel good about yourself.
Friendship on call
If you need immediate help or you decide retirement village life isn’t a possibility for you, The Silver Line - a round-the-clock, 365-days-a-year helpline provides information and support for lonely older people. Founded by Dame Esther Rantzen, it offers friendship and advice, and signposts callers to other resources in their community.
Call The Silver Line Helpline on 0800 470 80 90 or visit the Silver Line website
For more information about Inspired Villages, email [email protected] or Get in Touch.
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