Inspired Retirement Myth-busting
Whether it’s advertising, the press, government or even those around us — it’s common that we view retirement with woes and the prospect of loneliness in later life.
Here at Inspired, we are striving to debunk that view and create communities where the later years really are the best years of your life.
Myth 1 — You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
Research has found that those aged between 65 - 79 are the happiest age range, with many respondents citing free time to spend time on activities that promote wellbeing as being a core factor to that happiness. It’s no surprise that our social networks and activities are the key to what makes us happy and we’re firm believers that it’s never too late to start new something new or revive an old passion. Not only that but many of us develop a more care-free attitude in later life, shrugging off the judgmental feelings of others and just going for it — it’s no surprise that dancing is a keen pursuit amongst many of our residents, the phrase “dance like nobody’s watching” often comes to mind.
Myth 2 — Retired life shouldn't mean becoming a retiring individual
The idea of flexible retiring is becoming more common, with many of us not feeling ready to retire and wanting to keep busy doing the things we love, there’s no reason to stop working. If you’re passionate about a cause or simply want to keep your hands working then you can and should. Many of our residents continue working while knowing that they can come home to the comfort of an Inspired property — for example, one of our residents continues to develop his woodturning hobby and sharing his craft by teaching at local schools.
In a recent Guardian series on retirement, the newspaper interviewed Roger Hall, who at 71 years of age set up and runs the charity Porlock Futures, helping others aged over 65 in the area, showing that volunteering can play a big part in later life.
Myth 3 — Intimacy stopped years ago
We all know this is a myth and maybe it’s a case of classic reserved British attitudes, but it’s something that is a common part of the rhetoric surrounding later life. Studies have shown that in fact, those over the age of 80 are experiencing an enjoyable and active sex life. Many residents in retirement communities discover new partners when the thought of romance may have absconded years ago, that’s what we see as the beauty of living in a community with social activities at its heart.
It’s attitudes like these which we strive to counteract through developing modern living for later life that gives you the freedom to enjoy activities, discover new passions and share in the company of others — all while knowing that your future wellbeing and health is safeguarded.
To discover Inspired Villages for yourself, request a free brochure today or call one of our sales team.
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