Staying steady in later life
These simple exercises to find your feet and build balance in later age can be done easily at home using every-day items or even by adjusting the way you do household chores. Try to do them at least twice a week.
These simple exercises to find your feet and build balance in later age can be done easily at home using every-day items or even by adjusting the way you do household chores. Try to do them at least twice a week.
Core of the problem
The most important muscle group to maintaining balance is found in your core or trunk of your body. Focussing on this area can lead to instant balance improvements.
Rocking on the balls of your feet while doing household jobs like washing up, hanging out the washing, making a cup of tea or doing the ironing can help balance and core strength.
Strengthening Muscles
Weak muscles can cause stumbling and falling. Even if you are already active, building muscle strength can boost balance.
It’s important to do different muscle strengthening activity to gain muscle mass and strength throughout your body.
Squats, lunges and sitting exercises using baked beans tins as weights can all help. Remember to take things steady and listen to your body.
Balance exercises
One leg stand
Stand facing a wall with arms outstretched in front of you touching the wall. Lift your left leg off the floor for a few seconds, keep hips level and a slight bend in right leg. Hold the lift for 5-10 seconds and swap legs. Do three on each side.
Sideways walking
Starting with your feet together, knees slightly bent, move one foot to the side and then the other foot to join it. Avoid dropping your hips as you step. Perform ten steps in each direction.
Step up
Use a step, preferably next to a handrail or wall to use as a support. Step up using your right leg and bring your left leg to join it. Step back down again returning to the start position. Perform five steps on each foot in a controlled, slow manner.
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