Welcome to Farnham Common

Thank you for visiting our website to find out more about exciting plans for our latest integrated retirement community in Farnham Common.


Our proposals for Farnham Common are the following:

177 extra care units, mixed across 1 and 2 bed apartments and cottages.


 On-site Clubhouse with a range of facilities open to the public including a café, restaurant, care facilities, swimming pool, fitness suite and hairdresser.


Village gardens to promote active outdoor living such as productive gardening, allotments, places for socialising and activity gardens.


An extensive plan of soft landscaping and planting across the site.


The site is located off Farnham Lane, north of Slough and just west of Farnham Royal. It is within the Buckinghamshire Unitary Authority area, adjacent to the boundary with Slough Council. It covers 5.2 hectares of land that contains a range of large metal sheds, polytunnels and other structures form the Farnham Common Nurseries site and the land adjacent to the south fronting Farnham Lane


Internals Living

Public consultation

Thank you to all local residents who attended our public consultation event at Farnham Common Village Hall on 26th March. The materials on display can be viewed here if you were unable to attend the event.

We are keen for residents to provide feedback so please do fill out our online form below to share your thoughts on the proposals. For any further queries please contact Jacob Jefferson on jacobjefferson@meeting-place.uk 

public consultation

Have your say

Please take a moment to complete the questions below. 

Which parts of the event did you find useful? (select all that apply)
Are you or a family member interested in future sales materials related to the proposed Integrated Retirement Community?
Which features of the proposals do you support? (tick all that apply)



As mentioned, a planning application is currently being prepared for the site at Farnham Common Nurseries and will be submitted to Buckinghamshire Council.


Before we submit the application, we would like to know what you think about these proposals.


Taking everything into consideration, in principle would you support proposals for a new Integrated Retirement Community at Farnham Common Nurseries?
Do you believe there is a need for more specialist homes for older people in the area?
Inspired Villages and Meeting Place may want to reach out to you for updates on this project. If you’d like to receive additional information by post or email, kindly check the relevant boxes and share your details below.

Please provide your details below if you wish to be contacted regarding project updates


If you have any questions regarding the forthcoming Phase 2 & 3, you can speak directly to a member of the project team via:

This information is being collected on behalf of Inspired Villages and will be shared with them, securely stored and destroyed at the end of the planning process. All written feedback will be anonymised and shared with the local planning authority, Buckinghamshire Council. For further information about how we hold and use your data and your rights under General Data Protection Regulations please visit: www.meeting-place.uk