
Wellbeing in Retirement

Thursday 19th October 2023 , 10:30 am - 3:00 pm

Ledian Gardens in Leeds near Maidstone, Kent

We are delighted to invite you to an event organised by Legal & General, all about wellbeing in retirement on Thursday 19th October, hosted at Ledian Gardens, Kent from 10.30am until 3.00pm.


Your pension was transferred to Legal & General by your scheme trustees and we hope that your experience as a customer so far has been positive. We want to engage more with our customers and inspire them to make the most out of retirement.

Call now on 01622 588 312

Please make sure you provide us with an email address as this will be the quickest way for us to get in touch with you to confirm details. We assure you that all information you provide will only be used to contact you regarding this event.

Book your place

This event provides an opportunity to meet members of the Legal & General team managing your pension and ask any questions regarding your pension benefits. We’ve partnered with Inspired Villages, part of the Legal & General Group, and created a programme of interesting and informative short talks. This will include:

  • A session on retirement planning
  • A health kiosk, which will work out your biological age and overall fitness. 
  • In addition, we're delighted to be joined by one of the legends of Rugby Union, Phil Vickery, MBE

Refreshments will be available throughout the day, including a delicious lunch. You may even bump into former colleagues from your pension scheme!

There are limited places available and we expect the event to be very popular, so please respond quickly to ensure you’re on the list.


Book your place

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We will use this information provided above to contact you in relation to your enquiry. For further details on how your data is used and stored, please see our privacy policy.